FAQs: All that you wanted to know about Jewelry

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You can sign up for our Newsletter through our website. Enter your Email Address in the Newsletter Sign Up panel and click on the > button. The Newsletter - Sign Up page will appear to you. Enter the required information and click on the Sign Me Up button. You will be signed up for our Newsletter and a confirmation screen will be displayed to you. Also you will receive a sign up confirmation email for our Newsletter. To subscribe our Newsletter, click on Newsletter Sign Up.

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How can I Refer your Products to my Friends?

To Refer our products to your friends, you need to click 'Email to Friend' link available on Product Detail page. On clicking this link, another page will appear where you can fill in your Name, Email Address, your Friends Email Address along with email Subject and your optional Message. After entering all the required information, click on the 'Email' button and a confirmation page will appear. Your friend will receive an email, containing your message and product's link, inviting him to see a product of his interest. You will also get a confirmation email for your reference.

How can I get latest Products?

We regularly keep on updating our website with the latest products and styles in fashion. You can find these products in various categories as well as in our Specials > New Arrivals section. For latest Jewelry Products and Designs, you can also browse our latest ECatalogs.

How can I Search a Product?

To search your desired products, click on the 'SEARCH' link at the top of the page. On clicking this link, a small search component will appear which will accept your Keyword(s). You need to enter minimum 4 characters to search your choice of products and then click on 'Submit' button. This action will fetch your search results based on your Keyword(s). On that small search component, you can also find a link for 'Advance Search'. On clicking this 'Advance Search' link, you will get Advance Search page containing multiple Search Criteria to filter your search results. You can enter your Keyword(s) and / or select the attributes from available Search Criteria dropdowns and click on the Search button. All the products that meet these specifications will be displayed to you in search result page.

How can I Contact you?

Our website provides various means of instant communication to our customers. You can click 'CONTACT US' link available at the top of our website and Contact Us page will appear. The right side of the Contact Us page provides a simple form to you for sending us your comments & feedback. Simply enter your First Name, Last Name, Email Address and Subject along with your Message and click the 'Submit' button. Your Message will be emailed to us and you will also receive a confirmation email for the same. You will receive a reply within 1-2 business days. The Contact Us page also displays our Mail Address and our Phone Numbers for further communication.

How can I create my Personal Account on your Website?

Creating an account on our website is a simple procedure and essentially requires your Email Address as it will be considered as your User Name. You can Create New Account by clicking 'Sign In' link available at the top of our website and Sign In page will appear. On this page, you need to click 'Create New Account' button to get Registration Form. You need to enter all the required information in respective fields and click 'Create New Account' button to submit your account information. On successful creation of your account, a confirmation page will appear as well as you will get a confirmation email. After creation of your account, you will be able to access this account by entering your Email Address and Password information at Sign In page.

How can I change my Account's Password?

To change your Account Password, you need to Sign In into your Account. On signing in, you will get Update My Account page and you need to click 'Change Password' button at the bottom of this page. On Change Password page, you need to enter your Existing Password and your desired New Password. Once you will confirm your New Password by re-entering it and then click on the 'Change Password' button, your Account Password will be changed and a confirmation page will appear. You will also receive a Password Change Confirmation email from our end.

What is Recently Viewed? How can I view my Recently Viewed Products?

The 'Recently Viewed' page will display a list of your most recently viewed products on our website. This page facilitates you an easy way to navigate back to product pages you are interested in. To get your most recently viewed products, you can click 'Recently Viewed' link available at the top of our website or 'Recently Viewed' tab on Product Detail page. If you are signed in into your account and viewing our product pages then your Recently Viewed Product list will be maintained in your account and you will be able to view this list from any other computer also after signing in into your account. On the contrary, if you are not in signed in situation then your Recently Viewed Product list will be maintained by your computer's system cookies and you will no longer be able to view this list from any other computer.

What is Wish List? How can I create my own Wish List?

While browsing the products on our website, you may come across many products that you would like to purchase from us sometimes in future. Our website offers you the facility to store all these favorite products in your own Wish List for future reference. To create your own Wish List, you need to have an online account on our website. You have to sign in into your account to add products in your Wish List. After that, on browsing you can just click 'Add to Wish Listï' link on the Product Display or Product Detail pages to add your favorite products to your Wish List.

How can I share my Wish List to my Friends?

To share your Wish List with your friends, you have to first access your Wish List. In your Wish List, simply click on the 'Email Wish List' link to email your entire Wish List, containing details of all your favorite products, to your friends. But if you wish to send details of only one product of your Wish List to your friends then you need to click on the 'Email' link available against that particular product in the grid. Clicking on these links will display a simple form where you need to enter your Friend(s) Email Address along with email Subject and your optional Message. Just enter the required information and click on the 'Email This Page' button to email your entire Wish List or a particular product details to your friends.

How can I find Quality Loose Diamonds?

If you are looking for Quality Loose Diamonds, you can take our assistance to get best quality loose diamonds. You can visit our Diamonds section and click 'Request a Diamond' link. On clicking this link, a request form will appear where you can enter your desired diamond details. On submission of this form, you will get a confirmation on next page as well as an email containing details of your desired diamond. We usually take 3-5 business days to respond back your request. Our global reach allows us to locate rare and unusual diamonds in fancy shapes and fancy colors and we will be happy to find the perfect diamond for you.

What is ECatalog? How can I browse an ECatalog?

An ECatalog is an online version of a Product Flyer but on the same time it offers additional features like ECatalog Zoom, Product Details, Product Zoom, Printing & Emailing, etc. Our stylish ECatalogs offer you the joy of shopping online with the traditional flair. Our ECatalogs section displays the collection of interactive flash based presentations of all our latest & exclusive Flyer Collections.Our ECatalogs landing page displays thumbnail views of all the ECatalogs available for browsing on the left side of the screen whereas on the right side of the screen displays the image of the landing page of the ECatalogs, as your mouse rolls over different ECatalog thumbnails. By default a magnified image of the latest ECatalog uploaded on our website is displayed in this area. Clicking the thumbnail of any ECatalog, loads & displays that particular ECatalog for browsing.

What is Terms of Use?

The use of our website is governed by specific terms and conditions which are mentioned in our Terms of Use page. It is advisable to read these Terms of Use carefully before using our website. By using our website, you signify your agreement to these terms and conditions. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter these terms and conditions at any time. Such changes and/or modifications shall become effective immediately upon the posting thereof. You are advised to review the terms and conditions periodically. Your continued use of the website following any posting of changes and/or modifications will constitute your acceptance of the revised terms and conditions.

What is Privacy Policy?

A website's privacy policy is a legal statement providing information about the use of personal information, related to its customers and visitors, collected via the website - by the website owner. We respect your privacy and our aim is to provide you a safe and secure surfing experience whenever you visit our website. Our Privacy Policy is created in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to your privacy. This privacy notice describes our online information practices to inform you about what information we collect, why we collect such information and how we use the information that we collect from our customers and visitors.

How can I take Help from your Sales Associate?

In case of any queries about our products, services or website, you can opt for our Live Help services. Our Live Help services include Online Chat & VoIP Services where you take instant help from one of our Expert Sales Associates on any of your queries. You can click ‘LIVE HELP’ link available at the top of our website and Live Help page will appear. Our Live Help services are intended to improve our Customer Support and your experience with us. You can chat or talk to one of our Sales Associates anytime from anywhere in the world through following Live Help Options:

  • Google Chat
  • Google Talk
  • Meebo Chat
  • Google GrandCentral

How can I Map your Store Location?

You can map our Store Location(s) through the Map Us page. You can click ‘MAP US’ link available at the top of our website and Map Us page will appear. The Online Mapping Services on the Map Us page enables you to locate our Stores as well as get driving directions. Clicking on any of the available Online Mapping services icon will take you directly to that particular online service provider’s website where you can view the map of our store location and / or get driving directions. Our website is offering following Mapping Services:

  • Mapquest – Direction
  • Mapquest – Map
  • Google Maps
  • Yahoo Local Maps

Whats the Most Important thing to remember when Buying a Diamond?

When you go out to buy a sparkling diamond, you must consider 4Cs of diamonds - Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat weight, as a base for your buying decision. These 4Cs will help you to choose the best diamonds on the same criteria on which jewelers use to select them. To learn more, click on Diamond Buying Tips.

What is Diamond Cut?

Diamond Cut is the most important property to increase its beauty because a well-cut diamond reflects light to maximize the stones brilliance. A diamond with perfect color and clarity could nevertheless have poor brilliance if it is not well cut. To learn more, click on Diamond Cut. A Diamond Cut by Shape describes the outline of the stone and pattern of the facet arrangement. A stone can be cut in various Shapes like Round, Princess, Heart, Oval, Pear etc. To learn more, click on Diamond Shapes. On the other side, a Diamond Cut by Depth is the ultimate feature for its brilliance and fire. A stone's cut by depth can be described with Shallow Cut, Deep Cut or Ideal Cut. To learn more, click on Diamond Cut by Depth.

What is Diamond Color?

Diamonds are found in all colors of the rainbow, from colorless and transparent stones to ink black ones. Varying degrees of yellow or brown color is common in most of the diamonds and slight difference in color can make a substantial difference in value. A truly colorless diamond is extremely rare and considered the most valuable. It allows most light to pass through the stone and create the most brilliance. The color scale goes from D to Z, with D being the most white and Z being the most yellow. To learn more, click on Diamond Color.

What is Diamond Clarity?

Clarity is a term used to describe the absence or presence of flaws inside or on the surface of a diamond. In other words, the clarity of a diamond refers to a diamonds clearness or purity. When these flaws / marks occur internally, they are called inclusions and when these flaws / marks occur on the surface, they are known as blemishes. These slight flaws make every diamond quite unique but they also do affect the beauty and value of the diamond. Diamond Clarity Grading Scale grades a Diamond with any of the following grades: F (Flawless), IF (Internally Flawless), VVS1 - VVS2 (Very, Very Slightly Included - 1 & 2), VS1 - VS2 (Very Slightly Included - 1 & 2), SI1 - SI2 (Slightly Included - 1 & 2), I1 - I2 - I3 (Included - 1, 2 & 3). To learn more, click on Diamond Clarity.

What is Diamond Carat Weight?

The term "Carat" refers to the weight of a diamond. Each carat is divided into 100 points. Therefore, 1/4 carat diamond is considered as 25 points and 1/2 carat diamond is considered as 50 points and so on. When diamonds are mined, large diamonds are discovered rarely in comparison of small ones, which make large diamonds much more valuable. For that reason, the price of a diamond rises exponentially with its size. So, a 2 carat diamond of a given quality is always worth much more than two 1 carat diamonds of the equal quality. To learn more, click on Diamond Carat.

How do I Care for my Diamonds?

Regular cleaning of Diamond Jewelry is essential to maintain shine and brilliance of diamonds. On wearing them, they get dirty as you use various skin and body care regimen such as soaps, lotions and even our skins natural oils. Even when you are not wearing them, they collect dust. You can clean your diamonds at home by your own by using soft brush, water and soap or by using readymade jewelry cleaners. You can also take services of a professional jeweler, where he will check security of the settings also. Diamond jewelry should be stored individually in a soft cloth pouch to ensure that a diamond should not scratch other diamonds or other jewelry. You should not wear diamond jewelry while doing heavy work. You should avoid the situation where your diamonds come in contact with chlorine bleach, hair spray or other chemicals because they can pit or discolor the mounting. To learn more, click on Diamond Care.

What are World's Most Famous Diamonds of all time?

Diamonds are always appreciated for their beauty and rarity and considered as a symbol of wealth and power. The largest and most rare stones have been noted throughout history. Some of the World?s Most Famous Diamonds of all time includes: The Cullinan, The Cullinan I / Great Star of Africa, The Cullinan II, The Centenary Diamond, The Orloff, The Regent, Koh-i-Noor (Mountain of Light), The Great Chrysanthemum, The Idols Eye, The Taylor-Burton, The Sancy, The Blue Hope, The Tiffany and Hortensia.

What is a Gemstone?

A Gemstone is a mineral or rock, which can be used in jewelry after cutting or faceting and polishing. Gemstones are diverse in their beauty and many gems are available in a stunning variety of colors. After a skilled cutting and polishing of a gem, full color and luster can be seen. To learn more, click on Introduction to Gemstone

Whats the difference between Carat and Karat?

When shopping for jewelry, it's not unusual to start wondering what the difference is between a Carat and a Karat. Both the terms are used for the purpose of measurement. The term 'Carat' refers to the weight of a diamond. It is derived from the carob seeds, which are remarkably consistent in weight and shape and so were the favored scale balances in ancient times. This was standardized in 1907 and after that 1 carat became 0.2 grams or 1/142 of an ounce. Furthermore, each carat is divided into 100 points. Therefore, 1/4 carat diamond is considered as 25 points and 1/2 carat diamond is considered as 50 points and so on. Carat is also used in its abbreviated 'Ct' form. On the other hand, a 'Karat' is a measurement used to measure the purity of gold, with 24 karat being the purest. The measurement gauges how much gold vs. how much alloy is in the piece of jewelry. If a jewelry item contains 18 Karat Gold that means it has Eighteen Parts Pure Gold and Six Parts Other Metal Alloys. Karat is also used in its abbreviated 'kt' form.

How do I Care for my Jewelry?

Jewelry requires proper care and treatment for its longevity so that it can even be handed down as heirlooms to future generations without losing their shine and sparkle. Regular cleaning of Jewelry is essential to maintain shine and brilliance of jewelry's gemstones and metal. On wearing jewelry, it gets dirty as you use various skin and body care solutions such as soaps, lotions and even it becomes oily from your skin's natural oils. Even when you are not wearing them, they collect dust. You can clean your jewelry at home by your own by using soft brush, water and soap or by using readymade jewelry cleaners. You can also take services of a professional jeweler to keep jewelry clean. Jewelry should be stored individually in a soft cloth pouch or plastic zip-lock bags to ensure that a piece of jewelry or gemstone should not scratch other jewelry or gemstones. You should not wear jewelry while doing heavy work, housework or gardening as it can be scratched. You should avoid the situation where your jewelry comes in contact with chlorine bleach, hair spray or other chemicals because they can severely discolor and damage your jewelry as well as their settings. To learn more, click on Jewelry Care.

How to Select Jewelry that fits in my Budget?

Jewelry is a personal ornament, such as a ring, bracelet, necklace or any other item made from jewels, precious metals or any other material. You must set your budget for buying jewelry and then explore all your options by considering cut, color, clarity and carat weight of a stone. By this way, youll find a wide range of jewelry in your price range.

How is it Beneficial to buy from a Local Jeweler?

When purchasing jewelry from a local jeweler, you can be sure that you are getting the true value for your money. Local jewelers provide you more personalized services because they intend to build a legacy of integrity & trust with their customers. Since local jewelers intend to build personal relations with their customers, they care enough to deal in only certified & best quality diamonds & jewelry. A local jeweler can better understand your taste & style and keeps it in mind when he goes on buying trips. Also, you can expect an honest professional advice and satisfactory attention combined with before and after sale services only from a local jeweler.

How Gemstones are classified on the basis of their Characteristics?

Gemstones are classified into two categories, Precious and Semi-Precious, on the basis of their characteristics.

  • Precious Stones
    Gemstones which are highly valuable for their hardness and rarity, are known as Precious Stones. Precious Stones are generally expensive in comparison of Semi-Precious Stones.Precious stones include Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubies, and Sapphires.
  • Semi-Precious Stones
    Gemstones those are valued for their beauty and not covered under any one of the four ‘Precious Stones’, are known as Semi-Precious Stones. Semi-Precious Stones are available in all price ranges from low priced to high priced. Semi-Precious stones are Alexandrite, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Citrine, Garnet, Iolite, Onyx, Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Tanzanite, Topaz, Tourmaline etc.

What is a Birthstone? What are the different Birthstones?

A birthstone is nothing but a gemstone only, which is associated with the date of one’s birth and the wearing of such birthstone is considered to bring good luck and health. Certain gemstones are believed to have Supernatural powers and their relationship with planets.
Birthstones, on the basis of calendar months, are described as under:

  • January’s Birthstone – Garnet
  • February’s Birthstone - Amethyst
  • March’s Birthstone - Aquamarine
  • April’s Birthstone - Diamond
  • May’s Birthstone - Emerald
  • June’s Birthstone - Pearl / Alexandrite / Moonstone
  • July’s Birthstone - Ruby
  • August’s Birthstone - Peridot / Sardonyx
  • September’s Birthstone - Sapphire
  • October’s Birthstone - Opal / Pink Tourmaline
  • November’s Birthstone - Citrine / Yellow Topaz
  • December’s Birthstone - Turquoise / Tanzanite / Zircon / Blue Topaz

What is Precious Metal?

A Precious Metal is a metal with rare metallic chemical element and due to that is of high economic value. Precious metals are less reactive than most elements, have high luster, and have higher melting points than other metals. Gold, Platinum and Silver are considered as p recious metals and used extensively in jewelry.

  • Gold
    Gold is an extraordinary and rare precious metal, with an unmatched combination of chemical and physical properties. Gold is the most non-reactive of all metals and it does not oxidize under ordinary conditions. No other metal is as malleable as gold. Pure gold is very soft and pliable, and alloys of different other metals are combined with pure gold to enhance its durability and strength, as well as creating a blush in the gold’s appearance with different color tones. 24 karat is 100 % pure gold, and it is more expensive and less durable than gold that is alloyed with other metals.
  • Platinum
    Platinum, an extremely rare and expensive metal, is a silvery gray precious metal often used for setting or mounting high quality diamonds and gemstones. Platinum is a strong, durable and dense metal which is valued for its white color and purity.
  • Silver
    Pure silver is very soft metal with its lustrous white color. Silver is used as jewelry metal well before the development of white gold alloys, and before platinum could be isolated. It is normally stable in pure air and water but tarnishes when exposed to ozone, hydrogen sulfide or sulfur.

What's the Most Important in Jewelry Selection for Buying?

Buying a perfect jewelry requires knowledge about Diamonds, Gemstone, Precious Metals and Settings & Finishing. Keep below points in mind while selecting jewelry for yourself or for your loved ones:

  • Whenever you buy jewelry for your loved ones, always keep their personality and preferences in mind.
  • When you decide to buy diamond or gemstone jewelry then you should always evaluate stones on 4Cs criteria.
  • You should ensure that stones of your jewelry are properly polished and with perfect symmetry.
  • You must ensure that there are no visible blemishes or imperfections on the diamonds, gemstones and on the metal.
  • You should also check to make certain that fasteners, clasps and catches work properly and are secure.
  • Beware of jewelry store lighting which usually consists of quartz or halogen bulbs.
  • When buying gold jewelry, it is advisable to go for either 14 karat or 18 karat gold jewelry. You should never buy 24 karat gold jewelry because it is too soft, less durable and more expensive. You should also avoid buying less than 10 karat gold jewelry, as it appears dull.

While buying jewelry, you should not be in hurry or in pressure. You should buy it at your convenience and at your own pace. To learn more, click on Jewelry Buying Tips.

What is the meaning of Wearing Rings on Different Fingers?

Wearing a ring on a particular finger represents some of the attributes of your personality. Here you can find what does wearing a ring on particular finger means:

  • Thumb Ring is Poseiden (Individuality, Independence)
  • Index finger Ring is zeus (Dominance, Power, Energy)
  • Middle Finger Ring is Dionysus (Irreverence, Rebellion, Decadence)
  • Ring finger is Aphrodite (Love, Romance, Connection)
  • Pinky Ring is Ares (Conflict, Assertiveness, Competitiveness)
  • No Rings is Hermes (Friendliness, Helpfulness, Adventure)

How can I learn more about Diamonds / Color Stones / Precious Metals / Settings and Finishing / Jewelry?

You can find everything you want to know about Diamonds, Color Stones, Precious Metals, Settings & Finishing and Jewelry in our comprehensive Education Center. Click on below links to learn more:

  • Diamond Guide
  • Gemstone Guide
  • Precious Metal Guide
  • Settings & Finishing Guide
  • Jewelry Guide
  • Jewelry Web Links